Thursday, November 6, 2014

Blog Week 10

Android and i0S’ Bubble
                The struggle of having to access with an access code is soon to be over with the new Bubble. The app is designed to memorize the user’s dial-in code to access a conference call inside a company in order it make life easier on the employees at that company. As of right now, the app is only available in six different countries and still in its testing phases.

                Though the Bubble is not the first conference call app to set foot into the market place in is certainly the most convenient when it comes in organization. It send the users text notifications about up and coming conference through the smart phone. It also allows emails to be automatically sent into a Google Calendar entry.

 Some of the downsides of the app at this point are that is lacks many of the features that are available through of conference phone call apps such as connectivity with contacts in order avoid manually entering all the contacts one at a time. Alongside that, it lacks the ability to send texts and emails through the app but only opting for the ability to call.

If this app is able to get is downsides under control it has the potential to be the best conference call apps in the business and will help organize conference meeting in companies everywhere.

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