Thursday, September 4, 2014

Blog week 1

The Role of Computers in My Life
The role that computers play in my life right now is huge and the fact of the matter is that its role will only get bigger as my life goes on. I use computers to connect with friends, for study and doing research for classes, writing blogs for CIS 200, among tons of other examples that I could list out for hours. In the last year, there as maybe been one or two days that I did not run into or use some sort of the information system. So it is safe to say the influence of computers plays a very strong role within in life right now.
 As our world continues to advance technologically, the role of computers in the work force will only become greater. Therefore, when I enter the work force as a graduate I will only become more influenced with computerized technology and even more so over time. In any career field in business it is hard to find a job that is not using the advances in technology to make jobs more efficient, so hoping to avoid tech in the business world would be very hard.

I love the fact that computers are making tasks easier and easier the more advance that they become, this makes life a lot easier for everyone and I am excited to see what the future of technology hold for us. However, at the same time I cannot help but feel slightly terrified by the thought that with future advances in technology it will make things so easy that our society will become lazy to the point where nothing can be done without the use of some sort of computerized technology.

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